Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Written by someone Brittany regarding Thursday Sept 30

My God moment this week came when we were dedicating the house. I hadn't actually realized that Gd would use me in such an amazing way. When the family was thanking us and God and broke into tears I realized how much bigger this trip was than I thought. Of course I knew we were helping people but even the family came to realize that we were brought there by God.

Another time that I realized we made a difference was with one of the boys there. The first day started with him throwing rocks and calling himself Diablo. In the end he told us his real name was Jasper and I saw a change in him. The boys there are told that they don't have to listen to girls/women but this boy on the last day saw me carrying a heavy tub. He then came up and grabbed the tub from me and brought it to the table. He didn't look in it, didn't try to take anything. He just saw he could help and he really wanted to.

The first day, he was the last boy I wanted to speak to but by the end I realized all he wanted was to be shown love. And I just want to ask you to pray for this boy and that he will realize God's love for him.

1 comment:

brittd_20 said...

oh...sorry apparently I didnt write my name...it was written by me (Brittany)