Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Written by Meghan on the bus ride home:

heavy heat
the hot air sticking to us,
attaching itself to our overheated
dirty dust
making itself at home everywhere;
ears, nose, skin, clothes,
it knows no bounds
creepy crawlies
cranky co-workers. surprising sickness.
because somewhere in this
desperate disaster is hidden joy.
not the typcial type
purchased in a soft drink
or a mysterious movie.
the irrepresible flow unstopped
when a family accepts Christ,
when a child who introduces
himself as Satana (Satan)
evolves into a dear Miguel who
runs up to kindly carry the heavy box
you were struggling with.
When Mimi returns your gaze
with her enormous michievious eyes,
solidifying friendship.
When shouts for 'kapoochies"
resound in your exhausted ears.
Because it is better to give than to receive.

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